The Wedding of David & Amelita


By the grace of God,
we are happy to celebrate the wedding of

David Hartana

the son of
Mr. Joshua Hartana (Na Sing Hua)
Mrs. Sing Hwa


Amelita Karunia

the daughter of
Mr. Boedidarma Budimuljo
Mrs. Tuty Handojo










Saturday, 10 May 2025


Saturday, 10 May 2025




Wishing you joy, love and happiness on your wedding day and as you begin your new life together.

Donnie F Basuki

Semoga kalian menjadi pasangan yang bahagia dan kalian berdua senantiasa dibimbing dan diberkati Tuhan. Amiiiiin.

Mr & Mrs Chandra Tandiyo

Cepat punya momongan

Sugiyanto (Mayapada Bank Solo)

For David & Amelita ...congrats ya.. we are happy for your Wedding ..may God Always bless David &Amelita..Amien

Efrin Tysgu

Happy wedding! Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness.

Mr & Mrs Paulus Budiyanto

Buat David dan Amelita...Selamat menempuh hidup baru, menjadi keluarga yang harmonis, bahagia, sejahtera, penuh suka cita dan senantiasa di berkati oleh Tuhan..GBU πŸ™

Vic. Marvin & partner

Have a wonderful wedding for David & Amel! GOD BLESS

Soesatijo Jusuf

Happy wedding & happily ever after, GBU always

Wibowo Rahardjo

Whising you all of the love and happiness

Mr & Mrs Go Chaw Chin

Hi David n Amel.. Tq for letting us share in this joyfull day.. Wishing you a lifetime of happines together 🩷🩷

Kirono Adimesto

Congratulations... May the love you share today grow stronger as you grow old together. yeye - kediri

Ardi Thenggono

Congrats lovebirds, you are no longer engaged but married!

R Eka Lipurna Santoso (Kian Liep)

Selamat Menempuh Hidup....selalu bahagia....di berkatin Tuhan Selalu....Amin.

Melisa Christanti

Happy wedding David and Amel !! Sukses selaluu sampe hari H 🎊🎊

Kelvin Ferdinanto & partner

Dear David and Amel Congratulations on taking the next step of life together! Wishing you the very best and may Christ guide your marriage so you may show his love for the church

Mr & Mrs Indra Budy Susanta

Dear David & Amel.... Looking forward to celebrate this happy moment with you. Wishing you an everlasting love and happiness.

Arya Widya & Partner

Happy wedding Amel & David, wishing many happy years ahead, GBU

Yozef Chandra & partner

Congratulations David & Amel! May the Lord always keep you in his gracious providence. πŸ™‚πŸ™πŸΌ

Agus Soegiarto

Congratulation on Happy Wedding to David & Amelita

Reagan Yoko & Felicia

David and Amelia, congratulations on your wedding day and welcome to marriage! Where β€˜What’s for dinner?’ becomes the hardest question you’ll ask! Wishing you both a lifetime of friendship, endless love and walking with God together :)

With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering,
forbearing one another in love,
giving thanks always to Jesus Christ